Green Transformation

Towards a Greener and better Future

ASEH is committed to improving our eco-efficiency and protecting the environment by continuously enhancing resources recycling, and reducing GHG emissions, waste generation, wastewater effluent, and chemical usage.

ASEH strives to develop and promote a green concept in all facets of its enterprise. We are committed to ensuring the protection of the earth through our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste and effluent. In addition, from the initial product design stage, we conscientiously incorporate environmental considerations into continuous process improvement as well as in new product development to provide green manufacturing services with minimum pollution and waste output.

On the CDP Climate Change listfor 7 consecutive years

Awarded CDP Water Security for 3 consecutive years

On the CDP SupplierEngagement Rating leaderboard for 4 consecutive years

Integrated climate riskidentification and assessment

Supplier temperature rise contribution and water resource risk assessments

Net-Zero emissions target by 2050

Total electricity consumptionachieved through renewable energy or REC

454 carbon reduction solutions

Green certifications

Concrete actions to restore biodiversity

On the CDP Climate Change list for 7 consecutive years

Awarded CDP Water Security for 3 consecutive years

On the CDP Supplier EngagementRating leaderboard for 4 consecutive years

First company to conduct self-reviewing of temperature paths with AGTP methodology

Passed a compliance review by the Science Based Targets initiative

Net-Zero emissions target by 2050

454 carbon reduction solutions

Total electricity consumptionachieved through renewableenergy or REC

Green certifications

Concrete actions to restorebiodiversity

Water Resource Management

2022 Performane

  • Water withdrawal intensity (water withdrawn/revenue)

    49% reduction compared to 2015

  • Days of production shutdown caused by phase 3 water rationing in Taiwan(water supply reduced by 30%)

    0 days

Energy Management

2021 Performane

  • Energy saving rate achieved through energy saving and carbon reduction projects

    Equivalent to 28% of the electricity demand in 2021

  • Renewable energy ratio

    Renewable energy consumption accounting for 24% of total electricity consumption

Waste and Recycling

2021 Performane

  • Noh-hazardous Waste Recycling Rate


  • Hazardous-Waste intensity (hazardous waste out/ revenue)

    0 days

Client Change

2021 Performance

  • GHG Intensity(Scope 1+2 emission/ revenue)

    50% reduction compared to 2015

  • Absolute GHGs reduction (Scope 1 and 2)

    13% reduction compared to 2016

Environmental Responsibility Policy

Environmental-friendly manufacturing service

The policy regulates ASEH's management of environmental aspects with business partners and stakeholders, including suppliers, contractors, customers, joint venture partners, and the community. It is also used as a guideline for due diligence in merger and acquisition transactions.

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Climate Leadership

Transitioning towards Low-Carbon Resilience

Managing water resources is a top priority at ASEH. We strive to improve and optimize water usage efficiently. With ISO 46001 Water Efficiency Management Systems, we identify risks, opportunities, and develop water-saving measures.

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Water Resource Management

Water Risk Assessment

At ASEH, we prioritize managing our water resources. We aim to improve and optimize water usage by adopting ISO 46001 Water Efficiency Management Systems. This helps us identify risks, opportunities, and develop water-saving measures, risk mitigation strategies, and action plans.

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Waste Management

Waste Generation and Recycling

ASEH implements source reduction measures, uses eco-friendly materials, and promotes ISO14001 certification and environmental data collection. Facilities failing to meet targets must propose improvement plans.

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Green Facility

Low Carbon Buildings and Green Factories

Reducing carbon emissions from buildings is vital for addressing climate change. We have constructed facilities and offices that meet global low carbon building standards and have integrated sustainability into our campus by considering the complete lifecycle of building emissions.

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Promote the well-being of human and safeguarding our planet

ASEH promotes biodiversity and responsible environmental activities. We are committed to meeting NNL and achieving NPI on biodiversity. We collaborate across our value chain to achieve the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s vision of a harmonious world with nature.

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Environmental Responsibility Policy
Climate Leadership
Water Resource Management
Waste Management
Green Facility

Environmental-friendly manufacturing service

The policy regulates ASEH's management of environmental aspects with business partners and stakeholders, including suppliers, contractors, customers, joint venture partners, and the community. It is also used as a guideline for due diligence in merger and acquisition transactions.

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Transitioning towards Low-Carbon Resilience

Managing water resources is a top priority at ASEH. We strive to improve and optimize water usage efficiently. With ISO 46001 Water Efficiency Management Systems, we identify risks, opportunities, and develop water-saving measures.

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Water Risk Assessment

At ASEH, we prioritize managing our water resources. We aim to improve and optimize water usage by adopting ISO 46001 Water Efficiency Management Systems. This helps us identify risks, opportunities, and develop water-saving measures, risk mitigation strategies, and action plans.

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Waste Generation and Recycling

ASEH implements source reduction measures, uses eco-friendly materials, and promotes ISO14001 certification and environmental data collection. Facilities failing to meet targets must propose improvement plans.

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Realizing the determination of green transition

Reducing carbon emissions from buildings is vital for addressing climate change. We have constructed facilities and offices that meet global low carbon building standards and have integrated sustainability into our campus by considering the complete lifecycle of building emissions.

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Promote the well-being of human and safeguarding our planet

ASEH promotes biodiversity and responsible environmental activities. We are committed to meeting NNL and achieving NPI on biodiversity. We collaborate across our value chain to achieve the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s vision of a harmonious world with nature.

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