Public Advocacy

Public Advocacy and Management Framework

As a leading global provider of semiconductor assembly and testing services, ASEH strives to be an active participant in both domestic and international non-profit organizations with links to the industry. Our goal is to advance the semiconductor industry through joint efforts with the international community. We are fully committed to promoting initiatives and work relevant to our core business focus and areas of sustainable development (environmental, social, and economic aspects). These include climate change, net zero emissions, corporate sustainability, industrial development, technological innovation, environmental engineering, human rights, and supply chain.

The ASEH Public Affairs Engagement policy acts as a guideline for the company’s participation in society and the community. Dtuang Wang, Chief Administration Officer (CAO) of ASEH, leads the Social Involvement Task Force (reporting directly to the CEO), and is responsible for executing the company’s public affair strategies and plans.The CAO provides a status report to the Corporate Sustainability Committee (CSC) annually. The CSC is the highest level of management responsible for the strategy and supervision of the company’s sustainability development, and is comprised of board directors and the head of corporate governance. The CSC oversees the progress and execution of public affair plans, budget, results, ascertains the level of participation in lobbying and public advocacy, and provides regular reports to the board of directors. In 2022, ASEH contributed US$0.62 million and was active in over 120 external organizations, allowing ASEH to share our value system with industry peers and supply chain partners, and extend a broader social impact.

Participation in Major Trade Associations in 2022

Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI)

SEMI is a global electronic manufacturing supply chain industry association, with over 2,500 members. ASEH is actively involved in public policy initiatives and highlysupportive of international SEMI events, the promotion of collective interests, and the focus on education, business, technology and sustainable development. As amember of SEMI for over 2 decades, ASE has gradually stepped up and taken the leadership to drive impactful agendas and direct the industry towards achievingcommon goals. We have undertaken important roles in many of SEMI’s committees, serving positions such as the vice chairman of the International Board of Directors’Executive Committees, chair of SEMI Taiwan Packaging and Testing Committee and SEMI FlexTech Committee, and honorary vice chair of SEMI Taiwan SmartManufacturing Committee. We are also a member of the MEMS & SENSORS Committee, High-Tech Green Manufacturing Committee, Semiconductor MaterialsCommittee, Test Committee, Semiconductor Cybersecurity Committee, and Sustainable Manufacturing Committee. The key SEMI initiatives of 2022 are as follows:

  • In November 2022, ASE joined the SEMI Semiconductor Climate Consortium as a founding member. The SCC is the first global consortium formed by companies across the semiconductor value chain to accelerate the ecosystem’s reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Although the industry has made significant progress in reducing emissions, opportunities remain for better collaboration to address common challenges facing our industry value chain. ASE and our suppliers believe that contributing and supporting the goals of the SCC through collaboration, transparency and ambition can help drive the semiconductor industry towards progressive climate actions.

  • Promotion to diversity, equality, inclusion and respect (DEIR). DEIR topics are rising in greater importance at the work place and representation of women in particular stands out. As a SEMI board member, ASE has pushed for the development of robust actions to promote and strengthen women in management and leadership roles across the industry. We also joined SEMI Foundation which is aimed to provide support for workforce development and diversity, equity and inclusion in the semiconductor industry. ASE was elected as a member of SEMI Foundation’s Board of Trustees in 2022. We will continue to promote DEIR at the work place and solve workforce challenges and support economic equity.

  • Contribution to SEMI standards.SEMI E187 - Specification for Cybersecurity of Fab EquipmentThis Standard defines overarching and fundamental cybersecurity requirements as a baseline to secure semiconductor fab equipment by design and support security protection in operation and maintenance. This Standard provides fundamental requirements in the following aspects: operating system (OS) support, network security, endpoint protection, and security monitoring.
    SEMI E188 - Specification for Malware Free Equipment IntegrationThis Standard provides a framework for how to mitigate the propagation of malware to manufacturing facilities during capital equipment delivery and support activities. This Standard addresses the required measures for information security in manufacturing equipment delivery, installation, and support activities over the course of the manufacturing equipment life cycle within semiconductor manufacturing facilities.

  • ASEH has always been involved in the annual SEMICON Taiwan event. SEMICON Taiwan 2022 was a record breaking event with attendance from over 700 companies, 2,450 exhibiting booths, and 45,000 visitors. During the 3-day event, SEMI held 22 international forums that focused on advanced manufacturing, heterogeneous integration, compound semiconductors, automotive chips, smart manufacturing, sustainability, cybersecurity and workforce development. ASE presented its advanced technologies at the automotive forum and its green solutions at the sustainability forum.

Resources invested (in USD): 118,000

Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA)

ASE Inc. is a founding member and board director of TSIA (Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association), and chairs the EHS packaging and testing committee. As amember of the association, ASE participates actively in discussions on sustainability topics and prepares recommendations to government agencies for formulatingpolicies and regulations that affect the semiconductor packaging and testing industry. The key initiatives and programs promulgated by TSIA in 2022 are as follows:

  • Engagement in policy discussions to promote positive impacts for the OSAT industry. Participated in the discussion on pollution control and emissions standards; established an action plan for GHG emissions control at manufacturing plants that use fluorine gases; participated in the drafting and reviewing of industrial waste disposal policy.

  • GHG verification. Received a written statement for the completion of a joint-GHG verification based on CNS 14064-1, meeting customer requirements and government regulations; contributed to a GHG report on the GHG emissions data by the semiconductor industry in Taiwan, demonstrating TSIA’s commitment to managing and reducing emissions.

  • Semiconductor Packaging and Test Industry – waste management. Established a ‘task force for the evaluation of waste management vendors’ to conduct systematic assessments of waste disposal industry players. Together with users of these services, ASE helped to establish a robust waste management and tracking system that reduces environmental impacts and raises Taiwan’s waste management standards. In 2022, the team visited 9 waste disposal facilities supporting the technology sector and provided ratings and feedback from the visit.

Resources invested (in USD): 111,000

Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association (TNZEA)

ASEH is a founding member and executive director on the board of the Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association (TNZEA). Established in 2021, TNZEA encouragesindustries to commit and contribute to the Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions through negotiation, education, action and involvement to help the government meet Taiwan’s2050 carbon neutrality goals. TNZEA pays careful attention to domestic and international Net Zero trends and actively promotes the sharing of experiences amongst theindustry, government, and academia by holding forums and expert-led seminars. The key initiatives and programs promulgated by TNZEA in 2022 are as follows:

  • 2022 Asia Pacific Forum for Sustainability: CCUS & Hydrogen. Industry and academia participants from Australia, Japan and Taiwan came together to present and share practical experiences. During the session on CCUS, participants discussed Taiwan’s Net Zero pathway through removal technologies targeting 40.2 Mt of emissions. The second session featured developments in Australia’s green hydrogen, Taiwan’s hydrogen plants and industries using hydrogen. The TNZEA forums placed Taiwan on the international area, fostering greater technological collaborations and enabling the advancement of CCUS and hydrogen technologies in Taiwan.

  • A CCUS and hydrogen forum was held by TNZEA and the US Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to learn about US developments in CCUS and hydrogen, and to explore global solutions in support of Taiwan’s pathway to Net Zero 2050.

  • TNZEA organized a visit to the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration project site in Hokkaido, Japan, as part of an exchange program to learn about CCUS. The visit provided members indepth knowledge on methodologies and solutions that will help accelerate Taiwan’s Net Zero transition.

Resources invested (in USD): 78,000

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Founded in 2004 by a group of leading electronics companies, the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is a nonprofit organization comprised of electronics, retail, autoand toy companies committed to supporting the rights and well-being of workers and communities worldwide affected by the global electronics supply chain. RBAmembers commit to and are held accountable to a common Code of Conduct, and utilize a range of RBA training and assessment tools to support the continuedimprovement of the social, environmental, and ethical responsibility of their supply chains. RBA regularly engages in dialogue and collaborations with workers,governments, civil society, investors and academia to gather the necessary range of perspectives and expertise to support its members in achieving the RBA mission of aresponsible global electronics supply chain. ASE joined the RBA as a member in 2015 and has since administered annual self-assessment questionnaires (SAQs) at itsfacilities worldwide in order to identify labor, environmental and ethical risks. In October 2022, RBA announced a partnership with Optera to scale Greenhouse GasManagement for RBA members and suppliers. The new capabilities developed with Optera, will support the calculation of RBA members’ scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, andhelp to advance sustainability efforts, simplify GHG management, and bolster the capabilities of companies.

Resources invested (in USD): 70,000

Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE)

The Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) aims to connect Taiwan’s sustainability efforts with global developments and is focused on six major areas - climatechange, green energy, corporate sustainability, academic sustainability, UN SDGs, and sustainable healthcare. Its priorities include policy advocacy, the promotion ofsustainability education, international exchange, and organizing the Taiwan corporate sustainability awards. As a member, ASE supported TAISE to form the TaiwanAlliance for Net Zero Emission, committing to the Net Zero X 2030/2050 initiative. Key initiatives and events in 2022 are as follows:

  • Forum on Taiwan’s Net Zero Policies and Developments. Promoting dialogue to advance Net Zero goals.

  • The 8th International Conference on Trends of Sustainability 2022 was organized in collaboration with CSRone, PwC, and the National Chengchi University Sinyi School. The ‘Taiwan and Asia Pacific Sustainability Report’, an authoritative study on sustainability developments and future trends, was formally launched at the event. The event was a successful platform for Taiwan to benchmark with key players in the Asia Pacific region and exchange key sustainability experiences.

  • The 2022 Asia-Pacific Forum and Exposition for Sustainability. 5 key tracks were featured at the event – AP Sustainability Action Exhibition, AP Sustainability Action Summit, AP Sustainability Action Forum, AP and Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards, and Road to Net Zero. The Exhibition was attended by more than 20,000 visitors from different sectors including government agencies, corporations, financial institutions, universities, social enterprises, NGOs, media, and strategic partners. At the event, ASEH showcased the company’s contribution to a circular economy, and developments in low-carbon transition, smart manufacturing, and environmental protection.

Resources invested (in USD): 60,000

SEMICON Taiwan 2022 International Semiconductor Exhibition (Source: SEMI)

Kaohsiung City 2050 Race to Zero and Circular Economy Forum

Lobbying and Participation in Trade Associations on Climate Alignment

Addressing climate change is a top priority for ASEH. To that end, we have formulated the Corporate Sustainability and Citizenship Policy, to help the company meet its climate goals, improve and protect the environment. We will adopt climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, expand the reuse of resources and reduce GHG semissions, wastewater, waste, and the use of chemicals. We have established clear Net Zero targets and pathways in alignment with the Paris Agreement. In 2021, our targets of well below 2℃ for scope 1 and 2, and below 2℃ for scope 3 by 2030, were submitted and validated by SBTi. Our next plan is to meet the 1.5℃ target and achieve SBTi's recommendation of Net Zero 2050.

ASEH Corporate Sustainability and Citizenship Policy

Internally, the company has established a robust action plan towards Net Zero which is further augmented by active involvement in external organizations or associations on climate change. We are also heavily involved in public advocacy to help policy makers understand our industry and to make recommendations in support of Taiwan’s pathway to Net Zero.

We have established a management system that covers the global sites of ASEH and the three major subsidiaries to ensure that our lobbying activities and participation in trade associations comply with our corporate policies on sustainability and climate change, and aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement. For more detailed info, please download our Management System for Climate Lobbying and Trade Associations.

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